I Gave Up

Kemarin Malam, saya berbincang dengan salah satu sahabat saya. Mungkin sudah lama kami tidak ngobrol panjang, sejak disibukkan dengan transisi kehidupan. Saya yang mulai sibuk mengajar privat, dan dia yang sibuk bekerja di tempat yang baru. Yah, jalan hidup memang ga bisa ditebak. Hari ini rasanya kita nyaman dengan keadaan yang serba mudah, besoknya bisa …

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She has changed

One thing I realized happens to anyone, to any “thing” in this universe is change.  I have learned that everything can change. Even human being or a tiny dust in the corner of your bedroom sublimated. Or your clothes are changing the color just because you wear it everyday or you don’t wear it anymore, …

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Happiness is found within ♡

Driven By Little Dreams

One of the issues we have during the adulting phase is the insecurity and the need for validation – whether or not we are on point. And why not when everyone else are hustling,slaying and enjoying all those good stuffs and we seem to be almost stagnant?

Undeniably every single person faces challenges but for some unfathomable reasons our problems always look bigger, more serious and the others always look trivial and less important. Our situation always looks worse and we wonder why are the others even complaining! They look so much better off. We would be so happy if we had that salary-raise, that promotion, that spouse, that house, that car, those degrees, those friends or that body. We would be so much happier to live in that country, with that community, with that family. Do I even have to mention how social media aids you so much in…

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Dear A

It was February 21 when the first time you reach me up. Nothing special since I’ve got several similar conversation regarding scholarship and other things relate to it. One thing I remember is, that conversation went smooth which I did not realise it became our further plans, then it lead to create a project. To …

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You know what

Hal yang paling menyedihkan saat saya lagi terpuruk adalah, ngebayangin punggung sama kepala saya di usap2 sama almarhumah mama, sambil beliau nina boboin saya sampe tertidur. Setengah rasa sedih saya rasanya pasti sudah terangkat. See you in Jannah ya, ma